Join Us

Why become a member of CAGT?
  1. Share rich Chinese culture and tradition with local communities
  2. Keep up-to-date on business & travel opportunities in China
  3. Participate in CAGT events at a lowered admission fee
  4. Participate in singing, dancing, choir, sports, games, etc. through CAGT's varied social and arts programs
  5. Gain knowledge on parenting skills, Chinese medicine, history,landscapes, etc. through educational seminars and Web Pages
  6. Socialize with other Chinese and interested parties
  7. Receive free information on legal, business, social, welfare, and spiritual matters from Chinese professionals
  8. Enjoy discounts from local businesses (merchants, grocers, restaurants,services, etc.) and other CAGT events
  9. Broaden your view of the world through the Sister Cities program
  10. Receive CAGT newsletters and the CAGT directory
  11. Participate in teaching/learning Chinese language and culture
  12. Be an active supporter of the Chinese community
  13. Enrich your life through friendship and development
  14. Help the China Task Force – a new initiative in NW Ohio
  15. Enjoy social activities with CAGT friends and families